Tandem Riding Around Pablo Escobar’s Sunken Plane

The crew from MACkiteboarding take in an amazing trip to the Bahamas…

Before Christmas, Shaun Bennett and I were invited by North and Mystic to go to the Bahamas on a Kite Boat Cruise to film all of the new 2021 products. It was a last-minute trip and the original crew couldn't make it from Europe due to travel restrictions. Shaun and I were the only ones that could make it over there and travelled loaded down with every product that North and Mystic carry. Once we figured out the logistics of getting there, we loaded up the gear and hopped on the catamaran for a one-week adventure. The first morning we woke up to the sunrise over Norman's Cay, the island where Pablo Escobar's sunken drug plane sits in the water. There was not a puff of wind, so we rigged up the new foil boards and towed behind the dignity which kept us busy for most of the day. The new gear is next level and I look forward to sharing the adventure and products more throughout the weeks. Here's just the start of our journey. Big thanks to Kite Boat Cruises for taking us on this adventure and to Javier for the drone shots.

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The Foiling Magazine quote

"I had a good time reading issue N°1, everything is high quality from the content to the paper!"

Julien Salles – Brand Manager, Manera

"Foiling Magazine is incredible."

Chereé Thomson, Brand Coordinator, AK Durable Supply Co.

"I enjoy every page of the Foiling Mag – keep it up!"

Evan Mavridoglou – General Manager, AXIS Foils

"The magazine looks insane. Very stoked to be part of it."

Caio Ibelli – Pro Surfer

"It's a beautiful thing to see how far foiling has come!"

Damien LeRoy – Pro Kiteboarder