Girls DockFoil practice

North team riders Jalou Langeree recently got invited by Annabel van Westerop to join her for a dock foil practice in her backyard. A perfect activity for the windless days at home. It was an experience with lots of wipe-outs!

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The Foiling Magazine quote

"I enjoy every page of the Foiling Mag – keep it up!"

Evan Mavridoglou – General Manager, AXIS Foils

"It's a beautiful thing to see how far foiling has come!"

Damien LeRoy – Pro Kiteboarder

"The magazine looks insane. Very stoked to be part of it."

Caio Ibelli – Pro Surfer

"Foiling Magazine is incredible."

Chereé Thomson, Brand Coordinator, AK Durable Supply Co.

"What a rad publication."

Ivan van Vuuren – Signature Foils