The orchard delivers! Appletree recently released a brand new version of their hit wing board, the Appleslice. So, what’s changed in this latest model? We got right into the details with the Appletree team…

The Appleslice returns, and three is the magic number! What are the key features of the V3?

Yes! It is indeed. And this board is really magic, the way it just instantly comes up to the surface is like nothing else. We have achieved this by taking design features from our Skipper wing and downwind boards, which have a hull shape designed for speed and efficiency. The downside is that they are not the most stable boards and as the Slice boards are our all-round favorite model, we need to add some stability. So key features are that the board is longer and narrower than the V2 version, with an added displacement hull shape in the nose and longer, harder bevels that run all the way into the nose. 

The V2 was a popular model, how have you augmented the design to modernize it for more performance riding, and what features have been retained? 

Most riders, especially the experienced riders, are riding much smaller and more high aspect foils nowadays. Which is great because they are fast and carve really well but they also require a bit more speed to engage. Where in the past, it was more about controlling the high lift of bigger mid aspect foils, so the Slice V3 is designed to move through the water with the highest efficiency to get you up to foil speed as quickly as possible. In addition, the smaller sinker sizes are really good at getting to the surface with minimal effort, due to the length of the board and the narrow outline, but also due to the nose which is pulled up a bit, so it surfaces quicker.  

The main features that stayed are the slick outline and sharp-edged tail that releases water like no other. Also the middle of the board is pretty much flat to give the board the required stability. 

Talk to us about how it differs from the Skipper Wing, and who should choose which board?

So the Skippers are primarily designed as a sinker style board only. Which immediately puts them in the advanced category. The Slice V3 can be ridden by both intermediates and advanced riders, and you can choose your volume accordingly. Floater sizes still benefit from the fast hull design and quick lift, where the sinker sizes surface really fast. The Skippers are slower in comparison but they do offer superior release and rebound, so they are more aimed at the wave winger that wants to carve hard. They are also narrower so you can angle the board more in critical turns on the wave. The Slice V3 is also narrower than the V2 version, so it works really well in the waves also, but it’s more of a freeride model.

What’s this data tag in the tail all about? Are you tracking our movements?

Haha, yes we get that question a lot, but do not worry, it’s not actively tracking anything and does not require a battery or charging. It stores all critical information about your board and by scanning it we can link this particular board to you. This way, if the board ever gets stolen or lost, and someone scans it, we can get it back to you. Further, you can access our special system that provides you with lots of information about your specific model of board. You can find care and repair tips and tricks to keep your board in tip top condition and you have a more direct line to us, if you want to ask any questions. In the future you will also be able to get much more information about your board, for instance on product traceability and sustainability. Oh, and also you do not have to link or register the board at all if you don’t want to, it’s fully up to you.

Appletree does its bit to help make surfboard manufacturing more sustainable. Tell us about some of your initiatives there.

We do our very best to make our boards as sustainable as possible, and for us it’s in our DNA. We don’t just do it because it’s the current trend, we do it because it’s the right thing to do. Our boards are amongst the strongest boards out there, so they will last you a very long time. To further increase the longevity of the boards, we make them very easy to repair, and we give tips on how to maintain and repair them. We also put a lot of care and effort into the design of the boards, we don’t just put out a new board every year, just because that is what is expected. We want you to ride the board as long as possible, and if you really want to upgrade your board, there is a strong second-hand market so the boards stay on the water and are used. 

We make the boards from the most sustainable materials available at the moment, plus we recycle almost everything in our factory. All our foam scraps for instance are used for packaging or get recycled straight back into new form. Our factory also now fully runs on solar energy. Last but not least, sustainability also means taking care of our people. The main reason we do not produce in Asia is so we can have control over the full process. This includes the hiring of staff, and the way they get treated. 

Speaking of the staff, you’re always a busy bunch at Appletree HQ. Can you give us a heads up on what’s coming up next?

We are always working on new things, but of course we can’t tell you too much just yet! There are some really cool collaborations in the pipeline. One of them is in the field of sustainability. We are also exploring new ways to lay up the boards, and to finish them. Hopefully we can make them even lighter at the same strength and stiffness, or even stronger if possible. But these things take time, and we want to have everything fully tested before we make it available to the public!  

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